Greening My Produce Shopping

Greening My Produce Shopping

Reusing the physical goods and resources we have on hand is the smallest footprint we can achieve.

Lucky for me this is true, now I don’t have to feel like a hoarding, old grandma, every time I receive a present and save the wrapping paper like its Gold. Me, a cheap old grandma no way!  Really, I’m saving the world like a Superhero!

Wounce something has been manufactured reusing it treats it like the valuable resource it is. Reusing saves raw materials, saves energy in manufacturing and transportation and stops so much unneeded pollution.

Every little bit helps and making it normal to reused Everything to its fullest, will only help others not ‘be shy’. That is right people don’t like to stand out even when it comes to doing the right things.

So it looks a little odd,  giving back one-time-use plastic produce Bins at the check out counter, don’t worry it will not for long.

I still find it hard to believe, but I felt odd using my cloth shopping bags?! really, now the tide has turned. It took way to long for something as simple as reusing your shopping bags to become mainstream.  So don’t be shy and find alternatives to the One-Time-Disposable-Everything in our world. 

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